I am considering utilizing a DCC system for the layout however the thought of DCC sound is a nice one the technology is ever progressing and i feel that in time it may become easier to have all locomotives fitted with sound as opposed squeezing the present sound chips in to places Waiting and seeing what the future brings will hopefully pay off and we will see smaller chips available .
In early march i met with Paul Windle who kindly took my commission for a one off model of River Mite in as built condition, sadly without the air pump the model is being built on a modified spectrum USA consolidation this will form the nucleus of the embryonic Dalegarth fleet which already boasts a model of ICL1 "bunny" and a part completed Lady Wakefield Both locomotives run on Bachmann USA GP40 chassis i however am looking to undertake modifications to upgrade them to a suitable DCC ready chassis in preparation for the future long term aims.
the above is just a drop in the ocean of what is Dalegarth it will be a large layout and i aim to portay is accurately with the odd interloper from other layouts and other 15" prototypes such as the forth coming kits from N Drive for Katie and Effie the Heywood locomotives.
After all If a Job is worth doing its worth doing Well and Right!
the name of the game is Research at present
Please post a photo of Bunny!